Pancake Supper

Around St. Peter’s


Our sign was moved to the end of the road due to construction

Happy Customers

Mayor Lynne Dollin left with her pumpkin pie and flower arrangement.

Councillor Ken Fowler was happy to find bacon flavoured butter tarts

Jennifer B waved people in from the road

Councillor Grace Constantine visited with us. Great to see her.



Construction at front of the church. 

The road is being widened on Yonge Street but we are OPEN. There is an access driveway into our parking area so services continue as usual.

One of our combined Potluck and Games night @ St. Peter's with St. John's. Fun was had by all. 


Helping at the Food Bank, Dec. 12-15th, 2023


Free Community Turkey Dinner, Dec. 2nd, 2023

Valerie (Tonna) Overends' family

Dedication Table

Dedication Sunday, Nov. 26th, 2023

Karl Mills' Family                                                   Fran Moore's Family

Potluck with both churches 2023



Bake and Yard Sale, 2023


Fr. Terry Bennett visits St. Peter's for Eucharist with the Parish Aug. 13, 2023

Processed with MOLDIV

Rev. Terry Bennett visits St. Peter's for Eucharist with the Parish on August 13, 2023 while Fr. Greg is on holidays. It was wonderful to see him and his wife Leslie and dog, Rosie.                                                                                             Thanks to Judy Klementti for this collage of photos.

The "Belles of St. Peter's" visit the Lady Sadie Tea Room in Allliston, August 2, 2023

Eight of the 'Belles" were able to get together during the summer to visit the Lady Sadie Tea Room in Alliston. It was a wonderful experience, shared with friendly and happy people. We WILL go back.

New signs and parking lot upgrades 2022


Calling New Choir Members

If you love to sing, the choir needs you!! No formal choir experience necessary. Practice is after service on Sundays. Please speak to Jean Zielke our organist, if you are interested or talk with any of the choir members. We would love to have you join us.



Cemetery By-Laws (St. Peter’s Cemetery Board)


George Leggett 2Two historical documents were dedicated at St. Peter's Anglican Church. The first is a three-ringed binder of census, births, marriages and death information about the Reverend Canon Morgan and his family. He planted nine Anglican churches in the Barrie area, St. Peter’s being one of them. The second is a three-ringed binder of census, births, marriages and death records for all the clergy who have served at St. Peters from 1856 to the present day. The binders are presented in gratitude for all the years of selfless service to the Anglican Church. The two binders were researched and presented to the archives by George Leggett, who worked endless hours compiling the information. These are available for viewing in the Parish hall.

*Picture courtesy of Carolyn Smurthwaithe